During the three months I've been here in the United States on exchange I've experienced so much stuff that I have never done before, and that is all thanks to my wonderful host family and my amazing friends that I have over here so I made a small list about some stuff that I have experienced here for the first time (this is only a ''small piece'' of the stuff that I have experienced here).
Before my exchange year I had never... (part 1)
Eaten s'mores, hobo pies, froyo, Taco Bell, Oreos, Reece's peanut butter cups, frozen custard, churros, corn dogs, fry sauce, Pop Tarts, Slurpees, Einstein Bagels, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and lots of other stuff.
Been to an american football game, cheered for my school team or been on a cheer team and tried to learn as many cheer routines as possible so that I wouldn't look too retard. Tailgated with lots of people on a parking lot with much food before going to watch a college (american) football game with thousands of other people.
Spoken English 24/7 with friends, family, in school, at home and everywhere with everyone all the time and then forgot words from my native language. Spoken Finnish with another exchange student from Finland when nobody can understand and then joking about how we can talk about anything, anytime, anywhere without the need to worry that someone would hear our stupid, funny, weird talks about anything.
Skyped to another continent and getting annoyed when Skype won't work. Tried to agree with a good time and day to Skype so that the 9 hour time difference won't be too harmful.
Been to New York City, Utah or to the United States and lot of beautiful, amazing, different, unbelievable places around Utah and seen all these mind-blowing places.
Walked on Times Square, NYC. Stayed at a hotel in Queens, NYC. Taken a ride with the NYC Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. Walked in Central Park during a rainy day trying not to get too wet.
Been away from my family and friends in Finland for this long, Moved to another continent to live with a random family all alone. Meeting so many people in such a short time. Made friends in another country than Finland. Had another family that I can call mine in another country.
Taken Spanish classes and knowing how to say more than a couple of words in Spanish.
Been so excited when someone says something about Finland. Been so excited to see something from Finland. Been so happy to get Finnish chocolate, coffee, black liqorice or deodorant.
Stood in a car with my head out of the sunroof with some friends, just laughing and screaming to the music. Been amazed over how cheap the driver's license can be.
Had a Starbucks near to home (only Starbucks in Finland is located at the airport in the capital of Finland, Helsinki). Went to a school with more than the 100 students that I'm used to in Finland. Made my own school lunch. Rode a yellow school bus. Been to a pool party with cheerleaders and football players.
Been so proud for my home country and appreciated it so much, but on the same time felt that I have another home on the other side of the world.
Been Trick-or-treating, been to a national park, been mountain biking. Lived in a place with mountains everywhere you look. Experienced a school dance or school spirit. Had to think what miles are in kilometers, Fahrenheit degrees are in Celsius degrees, dollars in euros and what U.S. bra, clothes and shoe sizes are in European sizes.Tried to find out what the shipping fees are from Utah to Finland.
Mun pitäis laittaa ehdotuksia aineista mitä haluisin ensvuonna jenkeissä, joten voisiksä vinkata mulle jotain kivoja aineita mitä kannattaa ottaa? :)
VastaaPoistaMulla on nyt vasta ensimmäinen puoli kouluvuodesta menossa, eli aineita on nyt yhteensä 8: health, cheerleading (ku oon cheerjoukkuees), algebra (matikka), US history, english, child care, adult roles ja spanish. Matikka, english ja US history oli mulle pakollisia, mutta vaikkei matikka oiskaan pakollinen, niin kantsii kyllä ottaa joku matikka, ettei unoha kaikkee matikkaan liittyvä haha.
PoistaChild cares huolehditaan meidän koulussa olevan esikoulun lapsii, jotka on 3-6 vuoden ikäisiä ja tää on kyl kiva luokka ja oppii paljon miten voi opettaa ja hoitaa lapsii sun muuta. Adult roles on tosi rento, puhutaan vaan elämästä, tavoitteista ja tällasesta ja tykkään, koska mulla on tää aamusin jokatoinen päivä ja saa vaan ottaa rennosti, vaikka kyllä me välillä täytetään jotain monisteita. Espanjan otin, koska haluan oppia sitä kieltä ja kyllähän mä oon oppinu tällasii perusjuttuja kuten miten kerrotaan itsestään, kysytään jotain kysymyksiä ja vastataan niihin, mutta täällä jenkkilässä ei kantsi yllättyä, ku koulussa opetus on vähän eri tasoa ku Suomessa...
Sit oon myös kuullu kavereilta, että foods (köksä), valokuvaus, grafics, yoga, tanssi -aineet on kivoja, eli niitä voi laittaa listalle myös. Sitten, jos tykkäät piirtää ja maalailla, niin löytyy drawing ja painting, joita mullon joululoman jälkeen :D